I hear you, I feel you, I was you.

My 18 month old son wasn’t sleeping and I was completely exhausted. I was at my wits end. I had tried everything I could think of. I saw a facebook post about someone using a sleep consultant. I thought there was no way that works. At that point honestly, I was willing to try anything for some sleep. Within seven days my son was sleeping on his own! He has been sleeping independently ever since. I thought to myself this is something every hard-working parent needs to know about and I want to give it to them. I got certified as a sleep consultant and now I want to give every parent the gift I received of their child sleeping independently.

Sara is a certified sleep consultant through the Center for Pediatric Sleep Management, a PEMA certified Emergency Management Specialist, American Heart Association CPR instructor, and has been employed with the County of Delaware for almost two decades. She enjoys hunting and conservation in her free time. Last but not least she is the mom to a four year old who is her whole world.